Studies have shown a PGx test can:

Improve Clinical Outcomes
PGx-guided treatments have been shown to optimize clinical outcomes in behavioral health, oncology, and pain.

Save On Health Care Costs
A study showed an average annual savings of $3,962 due to PGx-guided treatment.

Reduce Adverse Reactions & Trial-and-Error
100,000 deaths are caused by adverse drug reactions each year.
67% of people dealing with depression don't find relief until the 4th medication.
Pharmacogenetics (PGx) sometimes referred as, Pharmacogenomics, is the study of how DNA affects the way a person responds to medications. A form of precision medicine, PGx testing aims to tailor treatment for each unique person.
The test uses a non-invasive cheek swab to collect a DNA sample that is used to look for specific genes and variations within them, that play a role in how your unique body metabolizes medications.
Knowing this information can improve clinical outcomes by helping your physician know ahead of time whether a drug is likely to benefit you, be safe to take, and what dosage might be best.

A person's genes play a large roll in how medications are metabolized. Variations in these genes can cause people to respond differently to medications.
For example, due to genetic variations, some people aren’t able to break down medications fast enough. The medication can then build up in the body causing severe side effects. By contrast, some people break down medications too quickly before the body can process them, creating the need for higher dosage.
Identifying your genetic profile with a PGx test can find these genetic variations so your physician can make more informed decisions when it comes to your medications and dosage.

No two people have the same genetic profile, expect in the case of identical twins. This could be why a medication that worked for someone you know may not be the solution for you, even if being treated for the same condition.
Understanding what is unique about your genetic makeup and how your body metabolizes different medications, will allow you and your physician to make informed decisions. These decisions can create an increase in treatment success, minimize the risk of dangerous side effects, and lower your health care costs.

Our PGx test is custom built to include a comprehensive list of genes to cover the most common medications for many different conditions, and is best suited for those with chronic conditions, on multiple medications, a history of adverse drug reactions, or starting a new treatment regimen.
Even if you currently aren’t on any medications now, a PGx test can still have its benefits. At some point throughout your life, odds are you will be prescribed a long-term medication. You can take a proactive approach to your health by having a PGx test done before those medications are even needed. Since your genetics never change, one test will last a lifetime!
Learn about your genotype:
Another benefit is knowing your genotype. Your genotype can inform you if you might be at risk of any conditions in the future such as cardiovascular disease, Bipolar Disorder, Alzheimer's, cancer, and many others.

Our comprehensive report provides pages of genetic information for your physician to review allowing for informed treatment decisions.
Industry-leading number of genes and medications ensure you're getting the most out of your test.
12q15 | ABCB1 | ANKK1 | APOE | CACNA1C | COMT | CYP1A2 | CYP2B6 | CYP2C18 | CYP2C19 | CYP2C8 | CYP2C9 | CYP2D6 | CYP3A4 | CYP3A5 | DPYD | DRD2 | F2 | F5 | G6PD | GRIK1 | GRIK4 | HLA-B | HTR2A | HTR2C | MTHFR | NAT2 | NUDT15 | OPRM1 | SLC6A4 | SLCO1B1 | TPMT | UGT2B15 | UGT2B7 | VKORC1

Insurance can be used to pay for a PGx test if there is medical necessity and you have an existing provider that knows your medical history. Learn more at the link below.